📄️ Update Vehicle
Update a vehicle in the Ownli System. This method requires the caller to pass in the Id of the vehicle. If the vehicle is active this routine checks for uniqueness of the license plate.
📄️ Create a vehicle using a VIN
Create a vehicle in the Ownli System. This method requires the caller to pass the VIN of the vehicle. If Ownli does not find a VIN match for this, the vehicle will not be created.
📄️ Create a vehicle (by license plate and state)
Create a vehicle in the Ownli System. This method requires the caller to pass the license plate number and the license plate state. If Ownli does not find a VIN match for this, the vehicle will not be created.
📄️ List all vehicles.
Retrieve the list of vehicles for users created by a partner.
📄️ Retrieve an active vehicle (by VIN)
Retrieve an active vehicle by passing in the VIN. If the caller does not have access to the vehicle throws an exception.
📄️ Retrieve an active vehicle (by license and state)
Retrieve an active vehicle by passing in the license plate number and state. If the caller does not have access to the vehicle throws an exception.
📄️ Retrieve a vehicle (by id)
Retrieve a vehicle by passing in the Id. If the caller does not have access to the vehicle throws an exception.
📄️ Retrieve a list of vehicles for a user (by phone)
Retrieve a list of vehicles for a user. The user is identified by the cell phone number of the user and in the format +1CCCBBBAAAA. If the caller does not have access to the user throws an exception.
📄️ Retrieve a list of vehicles for a user (by user id)
Retrieve a list of vehicles for a user. The user is identified by the id. If the caller does not have access to the user throws an exception.
📄️ Retrieve a list of vehicles for a user (by code)
Retrieve a list of vehicles for a user. The user is identified by the partner code of the user. If the caller does not have access to the user throws an exception.