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Deactivate a vehicle



Deactivate a vehicle of the user. This method should be used to remove a vehicle from a policy. No check-ins are allowed on deactivated vehicles. This method does not check if the vehicle is already deactivated or if there are pending check-ins.


Path Parameters

    vehicleId stringrequired

Header Parameters

    partnerId stringrequired

    Partner Id

    clientId stringrequired

    Client Id

    clientSecret stringrequired

    Client Secret


The deactivated vehicle object.


    id string

    Id of the vehicle

    license string

    License plate number

    photoUrl string

    Photo of Vehicle

    make string

    Make of the vehicle

    model string

    Model of the vehicle

    vin string

    VIN of the vehicle.

    state string

    2 Letter State Code (eg. AL, CA, CO etc.)

    year string

    Year vehicle was built.

    dateAdded string

    Time at which vehicle was added to the system

    updated string

    Last updated timestamp

    userId string

    User id of the owner

    customerPhoneNumber string

    Phone number of the owner

    active boolean