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Retrieve a list of rewards given to the user (by phone)



Retrieve a list of rewards in various states given to a user. The user is identified by the cell phone number of the user and in the format +1CCCBBBAAAA.


Path Parameters

    phoneNumber stringrequired

Header Parameters

    partnerId stringrequired

    Partner Id

    clientId stringrequired

    Client Id

    clientSecret stringrequired

    Client Secret


List of rewards given to user.


  • Array [

  • id string

    Id of the reward

    status string

    Possible values: [Pending, Confirmed, Declined, Claimed, All]

    Status of the reward

    type string

    Possible values: [MileageCheckIn, ConditionCheckIn, GaragingCheckIn, LowMileageBonus, Custom, SurveyCompleted]

    Type of the reward

    description string

    Description of the reward

    vehicleId string

    Id of the vehicle (if the reward is tied to an action on the vehicle like a Mileage Check-in

    payoutId string

    Id of the payout (if the reward has been claimed.

    dateRewarded string

    Date on which reward was created

    amount double
  • ]
