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Create a mileage check-in.



Create a mileage check-in. A mileage check-in requires an odometer reading and clear photos of the license plate and odometer. Photos need to be uploaded to the Ownli cloud via the Photo upload api.


Header Parameters

    partnerId stringrequired

    Partner Id

    clientId stringrequired

    Client Id

    clientSecret stringrequired

    Client Secret



    vehicleId stringrequired

    Vehicle Id of the vehicle.

    licensePlate stringrequired

    License plate number of the vehicle.

    state string

    2 Letter State Code (eg. AL, CA, CO etc.

    mileage int32required

    Possible values: >= 1

    Current Mileage of vehicle. If this is not the first check-in the mileage will be validated against other check-ins and needs to equal or exceed those.




    Photos of the license plate. At this time only photo is supported

  • Array [

  • url stringrequired

    Url of the photo. The photo needs to be uploaded via the Photo Upload API.

  • ]

  • odometerPhotos



    Photos of the odometer. At this time only photo is supported

  • Array [

  • url stringrequired

    Url of the photo. The photo needs to be uploaded via the Photo Upload API.

  • ]


The created mileage check-in object.


    id string

    Id of the checkin

    license string

    License plate number

    adminNote string

    Admin generated note. Usually used for on-hold or declined check-ins

    checkedInAt string

    Check-in date

    checkInStatus string

    Possible values: [Confirmed, Declined, OnHold, Pending]

    Status of the check-in

    mileage int32

    Mileage at time of check-in

    nextCheckInDate string

    A indicative time for the next check-in. If the check-ins are allowed at a specific cadence this value will carry the next recommended check-in date. When more complex rules are allowed this field should not be used.

    updated string

    Last updated on



    The photo of the license plate

  • Array [

  • photoUrl string

    URL of the photo

    latitude double

    Latitude at which photo was taken

    longitude double

    Longitude at which photo was taken

  • ]

  • odometerPhotos


    The photo of the odometer

  • Array [

  • photoUrl string

    URL of the photo

    latitude double

    Latitude at which photo was taken

    longitude double

    Longitude at which photo was taken

  • ]
