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Retrieve a mileage check-in.



Retrieve a mileage check-in for a vehicle.


Path Parameters

    id stringrequired

    The id of the checkin

Header Parameters

    partnerId stringrequired

    Partner Id

    clientId stringrequired

    Client Id

    clientSecret stringrequired

    Client Secret


The mileage check-in object requested.


    id string

    Id of the checkin

    license string

    License plate number

    adminNote string

    Admin generated note. Usually used for on-hold or declined check-ins

    checkedInAt string

    Check-in date

    checkInStatus string

    Possible values: [Confirmed, Declined, OnHold, Pending]

    Status of the check-in

    mileage int32

    Mileage at time of check-in

    nextCheckInDate string

    A indicative time for the next check-in. If the check-ins are allowed at a specific cadence this value will carry the next recommended check-in date. When more complex rules are allowed this field should not be used.

    updated string

    Last updated on



    The photo of the license plate

  • Array [

  • photoUrl string

    URL of the photo

    latitude double

    Latitude at which photo was taken

    longitude double

    Longitude at which photo was taken

  • ]

  • odometerPhotos


    The photo of the odometer

  • Array [

  • photoUrl string

    URL of the photo

    latitude double

    Latitude at which photo was taken

    longitude double

    Longitude at which photo was taken

  • ]
