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Retrieve a summary of all check-ins for a vehicle



Retrieve a summary of all check-ins for a vehicle. This includes mileage, condition and service check-ins.


Path Parameters

    vehicleId stringrequired

Header Parameters

    partnerId stringrequired

    Partner Id

    clientId stringrequired

    Client Id

    clientSecret stringrequired

    Client Secret


A summary of check-in information about the vehicle.


  • Array [

  • id string

    Id of the vehicle

    license string

    License plate number

    make string

    Make of the vehicle

    model string

    Model of the vehicle

    vin string

    VIN of the vehicle.

    state string

    2 Letter State Code (eg. AL, CA, CO etc.)



    A summary of mileage check-ins for a vehicle.



    List of all check-ins

  • Array [

  • id string

    Id of the check-in

    checkInType string

    Type of the check-in

    status string

    Status of the check-in

    checkinDate string

    Timestamp of the check-in

    adminNote string

    Admin generated note. Usually used for on-hold or declined check-ins



    Reward associated with the check-in

    id string

    Id of the reward

    status string

    Possible values: [Pending, Confirmed, Declined, Claimed, All]

    Status of the reward

    dateRewarded string

    Date on which reward was created

    amount double
  • ]

  • checkinUnlocked boolean

    Is a check-in unlocked.

    unlockDate string

    If the check-in is unlocked, the time at which it was unlocked.

    daysToNextCheckin int64

    Number of days to next check-in.

    rewardAmountForNextCheckin double

    Reward for next check-in based on current campaign setup.

    lastConfirmedOrdinal int32

    The ordinal of the last confirmed check-in. 0 represents no confirmed check-ins

    lastConfirmedMileage int64

    Mileage of last confirmed check-in.



    A summary of condition check-ins for a vehicle.



    List of all check-ins

  • Array [

  • id string

    Id of the check-in

    checkInType string

    Type of the check-in

    status string

    Status of the check-in

    checkinDate string

    Timestamp of the check-in

    adminNote string

    Admin generated note. Usually used for on-hold or declined check-ins



    Reward associated with the check-in

    id string

    Id of the reward

    status string

    Possible values: [Pending, Confirmed, Declined, Claimed, All]

    Status of the reward

    dateRewarded string

    Date on which reward was created

    amount double
  • ]

  • checkinUnlocked boolean

    Is a check-in unlocked.

    unlockDate string

    If the check-in is unlocked, the time at which it was unlocked.

    daysToNextCheckin int64

    Number of days to next check-in.

    rewardAmountForNextCheckin double

    Reward for next check-in based on current campaign setup.

    lastConfirmedOrdinal int32

    The ordinal of the last confirmed check-in. 0 represents no confirmed check-ins

  • ]
